Saturday 19 May 2012

Democracy Returns

We were nearing the end October when the group decided to officially create a democratic community. Why, I was not sure, but I had always taught my students that every person’s point of view was important, but with so few of us, I thought that pretending we were something we were not was a bit much considering we didn’t even know how many others there were alive in the world. Sometime soon, we might meet up with several other survivors. It was pointed out that we had been to town on shopping trips on several occasions and had not seen any others, so why should we assume they existed. I still felt that they did, however, I went along with the plan. We would elect a president and everyone else would be a member of the governing council. The president was to listen to all points of view and then make a decision based upon what he or she considered to be the consensus. I made just one amendment to this suggestion and that was that there had to be some minority rights. This was agreed upon and then the debate as to what minority rights needed to be included ensued. In the end, a blend of the northern and southern countries’ bill of rights and charter was adopted as our law to protect the minorities. By a nearly unanimous vote, I was elected President. There was only one vote against. Judging by the expression on Bruce’s face, I presumed that he had hoped for this position while voting for himself. Between Dr. Manning and me, I had already been operating as a quasi president. I had no political aspirations and Bruce probably would have done a decent job at it with a little encouragement and advice, but for now, this was the way things were to be.


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